Q-2, r. 26 - Agricultural Operations Regulation

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9.1.1. An operator who, under the second paragraph of section 22, is required to establish an agro-environmental fertilization plan must, if intending to store solid manure piles in a cultivated field, obtain, before laying out each pile in accordance with section 9.1, a recommendation dated and signed by an agrologist pertaining to the conditions for laying out the pile.
The operator must also give an agrologist a written mandate to inspect each pile during the growing season and to write, in a dated and signed report, his or her observations and, where applicable, his or her recommendations. The mandate must also provide that an annual report, written by the agrologist and summarizing all the inspections carried out for all the piles for which a recommendation was made under the first paragraph, will be given to the operator.
Copies of every document produced by an agrologist under this section must be kept by the operator who stores solid manure piles in a cultivated field for a minimum of 5 years from the date of signature and be provided to the Minister upon request within the time indicated by the Minister.
O.C. 606-2010, s. 4; O.C. 671-2013, s. 1.
9.1.1. An operator who, under the second paragraph of section 22, is required to establish an agro-environmental fertilization plan must, if intending to store solid manure piles in a cultivated field, obtain, before laying out each pile in accordance with section 9.1, a recommendation dated and signed by an agrologist pertaining to the conditions for laying out the pile.
The operator must also give an agrologist a mandate to inspect each pile during the growing season. The agrologist writes, in a dated and signed report, his or her observations and, where applicable, his or her recommendations, as well as an annual report summarizing all the inspections carried out for all the piles for which a recommendation was made under the first paragraph.
Copies of every document produced by an agrologist under this section must be kept by the operator who stores solid manure piles in a cultivated field for a minimum of 5 years from the date of signature and be provided to the Minister upon request within the time indicated by the Minister.
O.C. 606-2010, s. 4.